Mindshare LA in the Press

“Mindshare’s ballooning popularity is emblematic of a generation steeped in chaos and an unabashed need for personal fulfillment. If you ever come to LA, come to Mindshare.” –Fast Company

“A forum for human technology in its most literal form – shared knowledge. Fueled by fancy pastries, an exceptionally well-stocked bar and a room abuzz with stylish people.” –LA Weekly

“Los Angeles, you’re getting smarter. Or acting smarter, anyway. Judging by the runaway success of interdisciplinary idea-jam and the brainy bacchanal of Mindshare LA, the Los Angeles area has become a hub for gatherings that combine the social and the cerebral. It’s a brave new world for upwardly mobile Angelenos who want to simultaneously make business connections, feed their minds and fill out their virtual little black books.” –The LA Times
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